Sanders Beach is a suburban neighborhood (based on population density) located in Pensacola, Florida. This is a coastal neighborhood (i.e., is on the ocean, a bay, or inlet).
Median real estate price in Sanders Beach is $151,244 which places it lower than 79.2% of Florida neighborhoods and 72.3% of all U.S. neighborhoods making this a cheaper area to live compared with other areas on average throughout the state and country as well! The current rental rate for homes here are low at just $1,310 per month currently based off our exclusive data analysis so you can save more money if renting instead buying your new home or investment property yet still enjoy living within those prices unlike many others who have seen their rent rates rise over time due to supply not meeting up with demand driving costs higher especially among millennials who prefer rentals ahead of owning.
The homes in the Sanders Beach neighborhood are typically small to medium sized single-family residences and apartment buildings. Most of them are occupied by a mixture of owners or renters, but they were built between 1940 and 1969 so some may be older than others.
In Sanders Beach, Pensacola- our neighborhood of interest-, the median household income is $30k. This makes it an average to below average income area compared to other neighborhoods in United States as a whole which have higher incomes. Neighborhood Scout’s research shows that this neighborhood has a child poverty rate over 52%. With nearly half of children here being under federal poverty line, there are more poor kids than 94% U.S neighborhoods on average!